Leary’s Eucharist

Here is a nice little synchronistic tidbit for fans of Timothy Leary and his sacrament from the sixties…

The webzine 10 zen monkeys posted a interview with the editor of a collection of writings by Timothy Leary entitled: “Leary on Drugs” in December, 08


Although the title is clear on what “the hook” of the promotional aspect of the book is, the interviewer was impressed with Leary’s lucidity. Of special note is the reference to Leary’s intuitive understanding of the importance of the 64 codons of DNA (which equates to his work on the eight brain model) and it’s correlation with evolutionary psychology.

But what is the synchronistic tidbit you ask? The editor’s name… Hassan I. Sirius. The Synchromystics love their Dog Star!

- Sensei


Star Larvae said…
Dear friends, you can find broad context for the 8-circuit model--emphasis on the ET evolutionary context--in context at http://www.starlarvae.org/Star_Larvae_Addendum_Exo-Psychology_Revisited.html
Jack Heart said…

Excellent article on the extra-terrestrial component of Leary’s work... I’ll have to dust off my copy of Exo-Psychology.

Do you have information on Leary’s sources?

ie: “There is evidence that suggests Leary received this information in the form of an obscure manuscript, penned by a Tantric Yoga Master in India, from a certain Professor Adams”.

- Sensei
Dennis/87 said…
Reading a book by Picknett and Prince (The Masks of Christ). The Eucharist can be explained in two ways in xtian polemic, one a pagan mystery school of celebrating a provinicial god, eating his body and drinking his blood. Becomming god like by injesting the god. The other tradition is of a memory map of the god himself. Do this in memory of me. The secret/pagan tradition is non Jewish(Jewish law is abohorent of blood and unclean flesh being consumed). So once again I consider the Jesus mythos to being quite involved with mystery schools of Rome 'Greece and Egypt. Mixing menstural blood in wafer's and possible soma/fungus can go back to the space time of shamans of the Altic mountains.Dennis in Oregon.

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